A donation has made it possible for the “Universitätsklinikum Erlangen” in Germany to acquire a 3D Cell Explorer.
Did the therapy work? What changes did active components administer on a cellular level? In order to answer these questions, researchers of the Experimental Oncology and Nanomedicine Department of the Otolaryngology Hospital & Head- and Throat Surgery will work with label-free live cell imaging from Nanolive.
Read the full article in German here: http://www.hno-klinik.uk-erlangen.de/aktuelles/nachrichten/detail/zellen-live-beobachten/.
(from left): Dr. Ralf Friedrich, Dr. Marina Pöttler, Bianca Weigel (alle SEON), Marlies Mürnseer (Nanolive SA) and Prof. Dr. Christoph Alexiou (Director/SEON). Photo: Melanie Schmitz/Uni-Klinikum Erlangen