Long term non-invasive live cell imaging to investigate cellular neuroscience Request a demo or quotePhenotypic screening, cell differentiation, and neuronal networks
In this video, LUHMES neuronal precursor cells were stimulated to undergo differentiation into mature dopaminergic neurons. Cells were imaged using the 3×3 gridscan mode on the CX-A, at an acquisition rate of 1 image every hour, for a total of 68 hours. By the end of the video, a mature neuronal-like network, containing extensive neurite outgrowths and growth cones is evident. And, if we zoom in, lipid droplets and mitochondria can be seen shuttling between neurons within the network. This research was conducted in collaboration with Dr. Urs Lüthi and Alexandre Peter from Swiss biotech company Idorsia.
Read our blogpost here.
Human mesenchymal stem cell differentiation into neurons
This video shows different stages of the differentiation of umbilical cord matrix human mesenchymal stem cells into neurons. Human MSCs were grown in low-serum cell growth media in 35 mm dishes pre-coated with fibronectin. Then, neurogenic cell differentiation media was added to the cells, and changes were recorded using Nanolive’s automated platform, the CX-A.
Read the related blog post here.
Neurons on a carpet of astrocytes
In this video, one image was taken every 20 secs for 20 mins, using Nanolive’s 3D Cell Explorer-fluo. Nanolive would like to thank Julie Nguyen and Lydia Danglot from the NeurImag Imaging Facility, located in the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurosciences of Paris for preparing the samples.
Scientific Publications
Nanolive label-free live cell imaging has already shed light on many important topics in the field of neuroscience research. To get inspired and learn how your research can benefit from our technology, we invite you to check out these scientific articles published by our clients.
Feature Application
Feature application: Neuroscience
This Feature Application shows the huge potential that Nanolive cell imaging holds for neurobiological research. Our first case study shows a timeline of the morphological changes undifferentiated primary cortical neurons undergo after exposure to neurite stimulation media. High precision segmentations are used to calculate cell metrics (e.g. volume, shape and dry mass) of interest. These calculations are directly linked to novel behaviours observed in individual neurons.
Video library
Examining rat hippocampal neurons in 3D
Stem cell differentiating into neuronal cells
Read the blogpost here
Human mesenchymal stem cells differentiating into neuronal cells
Read the blogpost here
Mitochondria trafficking in healthy hippocampal neurons
Read the blogpost here
Nanolive imaging and analysis platforms
Swiss high-precision imaging and analysis platforms that look instantly inside label-free living cells in 3D
Automated label-free live cell imaging and analysis solution: a unique walk-away solution for long-term live cell imaging of single cells and cell populations
Multimodal Complete Solution: combine high quality non-invasive 4D live cell imaging with fluorescence
Budget-friendly, easy-to-use, compact solution for high quality non-invasive 4D live cell imaging