Morphological changes during adenovirus infection in osteosarcoma cells

Morphological changes during adenovirus infection in osteosarcoma cells

In this footage, obtained using Nanolive’s 3D Cell Explorer-fluo we observe the progression of GFP-labelled adenovirus in human bone osteosarcoma epithelial (U2OS) cells. Adenovirus is known to migrate to the nucleus of its host cell where it forms structures known as...
More videos from Actelion’s work

More videos from Actelion’s work

After the success of the blogpost  about Actelion Ltd’s publication, we decided to display more videos from our customer. We thank them for supplying the videos they got using the 3D Cell Explorer.   Analysis of shape change in human pulmonary arterial...
More videos from Actelion’s work

More videos from Actelion’s work

After the success of the blogpost  about Actelion Ltd’s publication, we decided to display more videos from our customer. We thank them for supplying the videos they got using the 3D Cell Explorer.   Analysis of shape change in human pulmonary arterial...
New Publication: Drug efficacy testing

New Publication: Drug efficacy testing

We are proud to announce the publication of our customer’s work, Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd, in the prestigious Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. Request a quote or demo Selexipag (Uptravi®) is a recently marketed drug for the treatment of...