Industry webinar:
Enhancing Cardiotoxicity Assessment
with Holotomography in Human iPSC-CMs
October 22nd, 2024
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Ambroise Garry, the Group Head for Global Investigative Toxicology within preclinical safety at Sanofi will present some of the work his team has carried out studying cardiotoxicity in human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes. He will discuss data acquired using holotomography to study the cell responses to established drugs known primarily for inducing phospholipidosis, which may also trigger cell death.
Cardiotoxicity is a significant cause of clinical trials failure in new drug candidates, contributing to the overall failure rate of around 90% for all drug candidates. Phenotypic screening provided by technologies such as high-content live cell imaging could provide an opportunity to catch failures at an earlier, in vitro stage, and increase the translatability of drugs to clinic.
Topics covered:
- Cardiovascular derisking with label-free live cell imaging
- Drug-induced phospholipidosis
- Label-free quantification of lipid droplets, lamellar bodies, and cytotoxicity evaluation in cells
- IC50 calculation from live cell imaging
- Doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity
This event will only be available online at the following times:
22nd October at 4 pm CEST/ 10 am EDT / 7 am PDT
22nd October at 10 pm CEST/ 4 pm EDT / 1 pm PDT
23rd October at 1 am CEST/ 22nd October 7 pm EDT / 22nd October 4 pm PDT
Hope Amos
Scientific Communication Specialist, Nanolive
Ambroise Garry
Group Head for Global Investigative Toxicology, Sanofi