Multimodal study of CHI3L1 inhibition and its effect on angiogenesis, migration, immune response and refractive index of cellular structures in glioblastoma

Authors: Rusak, A., Buzalewicz, I., Mrozowska, M., Wiatrak, B., Haczkiewicz-Leśniak, K., Olbromski, M., Kmiecik, A., Krzyżak, E., Pietrowska, A., Moskal, J., Podhorska-Okołów, M., Podbielska, H., & Dzięgiel, P, 2023

Published in: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy

Tags: Metastasis, CHI3L1 inhibition, G721-0282, cytoskeleton, migration, actin, U-87 MG, Glioblastoma, Angiogenesis