Scientific Publications

Peer-reviewed research using Nanolive imaging

Discover a list of peer-reviewed scientific publications using Nanolive imaging in the fields of drug discovery, cell metabolism, etc.

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  • Laminin Receptor-Mediated Nanoparticle Uptake by Tumor Cells: Interplay of Epigallocatechin Gallate and Magnetic Force at Nano–Bio Interface

    Authors: Sheng-Chieh Hsu; Nian-Ping Wu; Yi-Ching Lu; Yunn-Hwa Ma, 2022

    Published in: Pharmaceutics

    Tags: magnetic nanoparticles; endocytosis; epigallocatechin gallate; 67LR; Akt

  • Comparative analysis of Radachlorin accumulation, localization, and photobleaching in three cell lines by means of holographic and fluorescence microscopy

    Authors: A.A. Zhikhoreva, A.V. Belashov, T.N. Belyaeva, A.V. Salova, I.K. Litvinov, E.S. Kornilova, I.V. Semenova, O.S. Vasyutinskii, 2022

    Published in: Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy

    Tags: photodynamic treatment, malignant cells, fluorescent analysis, digital holographic microscopy, phase images

  • Effects of iron modulation on mesenchymal stem cell-induced drug resistance in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer

    Authors: Johanna M. Buschhaus, Shrila Rajendran, Brock A. Humphries, Alyssa C. Cutter, Ayşe J. Muñiz, Nicholas G. Ciavattone, Alexander M. Buschhaus, Tatiana Cañeque, Zeribe C. Nwosu, Debashis Sahoo, Avinash S. Bevoor, Yatrik M. Shah, Costas A. Lyssiotis, Pradipta Ghosh, Max S. Wicha, Raphaël Rodriguez, Gary D. Luker, 2022

    Published in: Oncogene

    Tags: breast cancer, stem cells, iron, lysosome, drug resistance, estrogen-targeted therapy

  • Engineering CpG-ASO-Pt-loaded macrophages (CAP@M) for synergistic chemo-/gene-/immuno-therapy

    Authors: Yuqi Wang, Lingpu Zhang, Yan Liu, Linlin Tang, Juan He, Xiaqing Sun, Muhsin H. Younis, Daxiang Cui, Haihua Xiao, Dong Gao, Xiang-Yang Kong, Weibo Cai, Jie Song, 2022

    Published in: Advanced Healthcare Materials

    Tags: macrophages; antitumor; drug delivery; immunology; immunotherapy; nanomedicine

  • Feature Application: Smart Lipid Droplet Assay LIVE

    In this application note, we showcase some of the potential uses of the Smart Lipid Droplet Assay (SLDA) including quantifying signs of aging in human skin cells (case study 1); investigating LD dynamics during foam macrophage formation (case study 2); examining LD dry mass dynamics in cancer cells (case study 3), and dissecting the details of LD biogenesis (case study 4).

  • Technical Note: Smart Lipid Droplet Assay LIVE

    In this Technical Note, we introduce the Smart Lipid Droplet Assay (SLDA) and showcase its output in multiple cell types at varying confluences and across different field of view sizes. We then compare the performance of the SLDA against the fluorescence marker LipidSpot 610, before finishing with a case study where we use the SLDA to quantify how oleic acid (OA) addition changes LD dynamics in pre-adipocyte cells.

  • Technical Note: Increase biological relevance and simplify your discovery workflow: a case study on cytotoxicity

    In this document, we demonstrate how the CX-A can be used in drug screening. We go through the whole process from image acquisition to data analysis and interpretation. As a case study, we chose to test what extent the art of observing influences the outcome of our experiments; something too often ignored when running live cell experiments. We measured the effects on cell health of four different cell treatments (1) label-free imaging and vehicle; (2) label-free imaging and addition of Mitotracker; (3) fluorescence imaging at low intensity regime and addition of Mitotracker; (4) fluorescence imaging at high intensity regime and addition of Mitotracker, using EA.

  • Technical Note: Live T Cell Assay

    This technical note explores these challenges, and presents Nanolive’s cutting edge, AI-assisted solution, the Live T Cell Assay. It also includes a full use case study where the Live T Cell Assay is used to quantify the effect a bispecific antibody has on T cell and cancer cell dynamics.

  • Technical Note: EVE Analytics

    Nanolive’s label-free technology makes it possible to image cells for long periods of time, at high temporal resolution. The quantity and complexity of the images generated allows us to visualize biological processes in unprecedented detail, but also magnifies the challenges associated with image analysis. Manual image registration and analysis is impossible and so computer-aided processing must be used to harness data complexity. In this technical note, we introduce the key elements involved in cell segmentation, which are essential to understand the novelty of EVE Analytics (EA), Nanolive’s software solution for quantitative cell analysis. We then evaluate the performance of EA segmentation against fluorescence-based segmentation and compare how metrics produced by both approaches differ.

  • Feature Application: Calculating kinetic EC50 values from dose-response curves

    The non-invasive nature of label-free imaging means cells can be continuously monitored, over infinite periods of time, which means kinetic EC50 values can also be calculated. Time-dependent EC50 values provide information about drug stability; whether a drug’s potency increases or decreases over time. In this application note we show how to calculate kinetic EC50 values from data directly output from Nanolive’s image analysis software, EVE Analytics.