Scientific Publications
Peer-reviewed research using Nanolive imagingDiscover a list of peer-reviewed scientific publications using Nanolive imaging in the fields of drug discovery, cell metabolism, etc.
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Tumor vessel targeted self-assemble nanoparticles for amplification and prediction of the embolization effect in hepatocellular carcinoma
Authors: Yaqin Wang, Wenting Shang, Hongshan Zhong, Ting Luo, Meng Niu, Ke Xu, Jie Tian, 2020
Published in: ACS Nano
Tags: coagulation cascade; tumor embolism; vessel density; hepatocellular carcinoma; self-assemble; nanoparticle
Apoptosis as the main type of cell death induced by calcium electroporation in rhabdomyosarcoma cells
Authors: Anna Szewczyk, Jolanta Saczko, Julita Kulbacka
DOI:, 2020
Published in: Bioelectrochemistry
Tags: rhabdomyosarcoma, muscle cells, calcium ions, electroporation, caspase 3, apoptosis
Bicalutamide Elicits Renal Damage by Causing Mitochondrial Dysfunction via ROS Damage and Upregulation of HIF-1
Authors: Kuan-Chou Chen, Chang-Rong Chen, Chang-Yu Chen, Kai-Yi Tzou, Chiung-Chi Peng, Robert Y. Peng
DOI:, 2020
Published in: Anticancer Research
Tags: Oncology and immunooncology, cell metabolism, CX, PC-3 Pca, bicalutamide, Bic, rat mesangial cell, RMC line, mitochondrial dysfunction, HIF-1, oxygen consumption rate, OCR, mitochondria, pgrostate cancer, Pca, cardiovascular damage, renal damage, lactate cehydrogenase, ROS, lysosome, BCL2, caspase-3
The antimicrobial peptide tilapia piscidin 3 induces mitochondria-modulated intrinsic apoptosis of osteosarcoma cells
Authors: Chien-HanYuan, Yi-LingMa, Po-ChangShih, Chao-TingChen, Shu-YuCheng, Chieh-YuPan, Yen-HsuanJean, Yih-MinChu, Sung-ChunLin, Yu-ChengLai, Hsiao-MeiKuo
DOI:, 2020
Published in: Biochemical Pharmacology
Tags: Immunooncology, oncology, cell metabolism, OS MG63, osteosarcoma, intrinsic apoptosis, TP3, antimicrobial peptide, mitochondria, caspase, blebbing, shrinkage, nuclear fragmentation, chromatin condensation, apoptopodia, ROS, acidification, fission, fusion
Feature Application: Characterising cancer cells and their interactions with immune cells
In this application note, we begin by examining the interactions between t-cells, dendritic cells, and macrophages (case study 1). We then image t-cells responses to cancer cells (case study 2) and the interactions that occur between t-cells and macrophages (case study 3). We show Nanolive imaging can be used to monitor the response of cancer cells to promising antibody drug conjugate (ADCs) products (case study 4) and novel bispecific antibodies (case studies 5 and 6). Finally, we finish with an example of a drug screen where we describe the phenotypic response of living cells to various kinase inhibitors that have shown promise as anti-cancer treatments (case study 7).
3PO as a Selective Inhibitor of 6-Phosphofructo-2-Kinase/Fructose-2,6-Biphosphatase 3 in A375 Human Melanoma Cells
Authors: Kotowski K, Supplitt S, Wiczew D, Przystupski D, Bartosik W, Saczko J, Rossowska J, Drąg-Zalesińska M, Michel O, Kulbacka J.
DOI:, 2020
Published in: Anticancer Research
Tags: Immunooncology and oncology, B-raf kinase, 3PO, A375, BRAFV600E, Melanoma, PFKFB3, inhibitor, apoptosis, glucose uptake, cycle arrest
TP3, an antimicrobial peptide, inhibits infiltration and motility of glioblastoma cells via modulating the tumor microenvironment
Authors: Ying-Fa Chen, Po-Chang Shih, Hsiao-Mei Kuo, San-Nan Yang, Yen-You Lin, Wu-Fu Chen, Shiow-Jyu Tzou, Hsin-Tzu Liu and Nan-Fu Chen
DOI:, 2020
Published in: Cancer Medicine
Tags: Immunooncology and oncology, neuroscience, cell mobility, glioblastoma multiforme, infiltration, TP3, tumor microenvironment, adhesion, migration, invasion, invasiveness, filopodia, cell attachment, metastasis, kinase, paxillin, RAS, AKT, ERK, JNK, p38
Mesoporous silica nanoparticles functionalized with a dialkoxide diorganotin(IV) compound: In search of more selective systems against cancer cells
Authors: Diana Díaz-García, Lucia Sommerova, Andrea Martisova, Hana Skoupilova, Sanjiv Prashar, Tomas Vaculovic, Viktor Kanicky, Isabel del Hierro, Roman Hrstka, Santiago Gómez-Ruiz
DOI:, 2020
Published in: Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
Tags: Drug discovery, immunooncology & oncology,
Advancing methods for the analysis of glioblastoma cell motion using quantitative time lapse holographic imaging and cellular tomography
Authors: Ed Luther, Livia Mendes, Nina Filiczak, Aditi Jhaveri, Lara Milane, Vladimir Torchilin
DOI:, 2019
Published in: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers
Tags: Neuroscience, Immunooncology & Oncology, mitochondria and cell metabolism, glioblastoma, motility, mitochondria, fission, fusion, nanotubes, spheroids
Stimuli-sensitive fatty acid-based microparticles for the treatment of lung cancer
Authors: Katarzyna Reczyńska, Patrycja Marchwica, Dipesh Khanal, Tomasz Borowik, Marek Langner, Elżbieta Pamuła, Wojciech Chrzanowski
DOI:, 2020
Published in: Materials and Science Engineering: C
Tags: Immunooncology & oncology, single cell characterization, drug discovery, lung cancer, cancer therapy, superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, SPION, solid lipid microparticles, lipid, stimuli-sensitive drug carriers, anticancer drug, paclitaxel, lauric acid, LAU, myrisctic acid, palmitic acid, MYR, PAL, cell viability