Almudena spent a great one-week training at Nanolive’s headquarters in Lausanne last week. She was able to conduct great experiments and learn how to work with the 3D Cell Explorer.
“It’s interesting to see them moving because you usually just see pictures – so that was my favorite part by far!” says Almudena during the interview.
During Almudena’s one-week training she visualized samples of human mesenchymal stem cells cultured with low-serum cell growth medium after an introduction to the Nanolive technology. In this footage, she captured a mitosis, and she was able to characterise not just the cell organelles, but also their modifications over time as a result of the underlying dividing process.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells, as we mentioned previously in the Spectacular Mitosis in Mesenchymal Stem Cells post, are multipotent cells, capable to differentiate to a variety of mesenchymal tissues lineages such as cartilage, muscle, fat, bone, tendon, and stromal tissue.
A condensation of the chromatin contained in the nucleus lead to chromosome formation. This step was followed by the disappearance of the nuclear membrane, the alignment of the chromosomes in the metaphase plate, and the migration of sister chromatids to opposite ends of the cell. Two daughter cells were eventually obtained and, for each of them, chromatin went back to its relaxed state and the nuclear envelope reappeared.
Besides the division process, the protrusions observed were also of interest. There were a great number of cell-matrix and cell-cell interactions present during the mitosis as well as in the other cell appearing in the field of view.
Throughout Almudena’s bachelor’s in Biology and her internship in a laboratory, she has been able to use different microscopy techniques, such as light microscopes or confocal microscopy. Nevertheless, she pointed out that she found it easy to obtain high-resolution images over time, especially considering that the samples were not subject to staining or any complex culture protocols. She was impressed by the observation of live cell behaviour.
Also a special thanks to Promocell GmbH for providing the cells and the culture media!
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