Morphological changes during adenovirus infection in osteosarcoma cells

Morphological changes during adenovirus infection in osteosarcoma cells

In this footage, obtained using Nanolive’s 3D Cell Explorer-fluo we observe the progression of GFP-labelled adenovirus in human bone osteosarcoma epithelial (U2OS) cells. Adenovirus is known to migrate to the nucleus of its host cell where it forms structures known as...
Is it possible to restore phagocytosis of cancer cells?

Is it possible to restore phagocytosis of cancer cells?

CD47 is a potent Don’t eat me signal that enables cancer cells to evade immune surveillance and killing by innate immune cells, such as macrophages. By using bispecific antibodies with a high affinity targeting arm (against a tumor-associated antigen, or TAA) and an...